Friday, November 22, 2013

Planning And Working On The Laser

Figure 1: Planning and Brain-Storming

We got together last week in lab to plan exactly what we were going to do and figure out what we would need to do it. There would need to be two servos to control the motion in either axis, and they would have to be attached in a decently stable way. For our 3D printer part, there are essentially unlimited options for parts to design to attach the servos. The method was chose was essentially a 'U' shape to wrap around the upper servo, with a slot underneath to allow the lower servo to attach into. The part could be made more detailed and have parts snap in, but considering the limitations on accuracy for the 3D printer, this was avoided. The part is still dimensioned to be a close fit, but now it will be attached with super glue instead of a 'built-in' approach.

Figure 2: Wiring the Laser Pointer
The design for getting the laser to work was also decided. At first we were thinking of having a servo press the button in some way, but that would be hard or not very reliable. There could be some kind of wrap around the button, and turning the servo would tighten the wrap around the button and depress it. To avoid doing this, the batteries were removed and the circuit was completed through the Arduino. This would allow for the Arduino to control the laser directly, in a much more reliable manner. One of the connections has to be made with the spring, and the other connection has to be made with the rim around where the back end of the laser pointer screws back in. This was discovered by just messing with the laser pointer for a short amount of time. This will most likely be held in place more permanently by either alligator clips or solder.

Andrew Southworth
Joe Nguyen

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